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What is partnerships?

Partner with Titan FX as an Introducing Broker (IB) and earn an ongoing commission on the activity of clients you introduce to us.

All sizes of IB are welcome from those with only a few clients to those with many.


IB commissions (IB rebates) are paid to IBs based on the trading volume of clients – Titan FX rebates are amongst the best in the forex industry.

Titan FX values relationships with Introducing Brokers and provides a range of resources to help you grow your business.

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Why partner with Titan FX?

The best for your clients

Introduce your clients to Titan FX to provide them with the best possible forex trading infrastructure along with the tightest spreads (from 0.0 pips) and ultrafast speed executions whilst earning a substantial ongoing commission.

Titan FX also provides segregated accounts for the security of our clients. All client funds are held in segregated client accounts with reputable, top-tier banks in highly regulated jurisdictions. Client funds are held separately from Titan FX operating funds.

Tightest spreads

Tightest spreads from 0.0 pips


Ultrafast speed executions


Substantial ongoing commission

The best for you

At Titan FX, we recognise the value of Introducing Brokers to both our business and to our client’s trading performance. As well as providing outstanding IB commissions, our team of professionals is here to support you as your business grows. Your success is our success.

Your success is our success.

Titan FX Partners

Benefits of becoming a Titan FX Introducing Broker

What are the steps to become a partner?


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Please follow the link below and register with us in less than one minute. After registration, a dedicated relationship manager will contact you and guide you through the onboarding process.