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What is an Introducing Broker?

Introducing Brokers provide valuable services to clients

  • Assistance in finding the correct forex broker to suit the client’s trading needs 
  • Assisting a client with account opening 
  • Client education and training

Some Introducing Brokers also provide services

  • Expert Advisor (EA) algorithms and software 
  • Trading signals 
  • Market analysis 
  • Investment advice

Application Process

There are three simple steps to become an Introducing Broker:


Fill Out The Application

Register your details in under 20 seconds.


Verify Email Address

Verify your email address with the link you receive in your inbox.


Access Granted

You now have limited access to the Titan FX Partner Portal. Complete your application to gain full access.


If you have any questions about becoming a Titan FX Introducing Broker, please email Titan FX Partners Team.

Access to your commissions

Titan FX Introducing Brokers are provided with a Partner Portal account linked to our MT4/5 servers. After each trade closed your IB commissions accrue in your account.

Promoting Titan FX

Titan FX produces a range of promotional materials for use by Introducing Brokers. Digital and print collateral is available. A range of digital promotional materials including web banners preconfigured with your special IB campaign link can be downloaded from the Titan FX Partner Portal. Your dedicated Relationship Manager can provide print-ready and custom materials on request.

IB Rebate

Introduce your clients to leading broker Titan FX and earn substantial ongoing rebates. Titan FX offers competitive rebates to our IBs based on their trading volume.

IB Rebate Tier Scheme

Titan FX review the total trading volumes of traders who you have introduced us at the end of each month. If the trading volume exceeds or decreases to another Tier level, the new IB rebates rate will apply from the 1st of the following month. 


Total Monthly Trading Volume
(Closed lots)

Up to 2,500 2,501-5,000 Over 5,001

*1 Lot = 100,000 UNITS
*Volumes based on round-trip trades

What instruments can I earn rebates on?