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Titan FX is a foreign exchange (forex), commodities and CFD broker serving both institutional and retail clients across the globe.

Titan FX global headquarters and operational hub is located in Vanuatu, with satellite offices in strategic locations around the world.


Titan FX offers an advanced, technology based approach to online trading – with ultra tight spreads, no-requotes, full ECN execution, absolute transparency and the latest trading platform technology. By continually investing in development of new technologies and regularly upgrading trading servers, Titan FX can provide clients with the best possible trading conditions.

Executive Overview

Introduce your clients to Titan FX to provide them with the best possible Forex trading conditions whilst earning a substantial ongoing IB commission based on their trading activity. Titan FX values relationships with Introducing Brokers and provides a range of resources to help you grow your business.

An Unmissable Opportunity



Retail forex can be defined as the sector of the forex market where individuals trade, as opposed to institutions. Prior to the 1990s the foreign exchange market was basically inaccessible to individual traders - only the development of forex trading platforms such as the MT4/5 platform offered by Titan FX has opened this market to individual investors.

The forex market is the world’s largest financial market dwarfing the equities and futures markets - combined! Retail forex is expected to continue to grow at a rapid pace for a long time to come. 

The Market Never Sleeps

Forex is a 24 hour market unlike stocks and other asset classes

Low Barrier To Entry

Clients can open an account with $200 or even less

High Leverage

Clients can trade up to 500x the value of their equity, magnifying potential profits

Low Ongoing Costs

Clients can choose a low or no commission account