(function() { var didInit = false; function initMunchkin() { if(didInit === false) { didInit = true; Munchkin.init('105-GAR-921'); } } var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.defer = true; s.src = '//munchkin.marketo.net/munchkin.js'; s.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 'complete' || this.readyState == 'loaded') { initMunchkin(); } }; s.onload = initMunchkin; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); })(); (function(h,o,t,j,a,r){ h.hj=h.hj||function(){(h.hj.q=h.hj.q||[]).push(arguments)}; h._hjSettings={hjid:1422437,hjsv:6}; a=o.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; r=o.createElement('script');r.defer=1; r.src=t+h._hjSettings.hjid+j+h._hjSettings.hjsv; a.appendChild(r); })(window,document,'https://static.hotjar.com/c/hotjar-','.js?sv=');

Make the Most of It! Titan FX Trading Tournaments

Titan FX has decided to hold monthly Titan FX Tournaments for all traders and leads to enjoy trading on demo accounts! 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the ‘Titan FX Trading Tournament’ held for some of you in December 2023! In response to great feedback from participants, we have decided to hold monthly Titan FX Tournaments for all traders and leads to enjoy trading on demo accounts. Our marketing team will follow up with leads in order to convert them to live traders, thus increasing your earnings! 

The Titan FX Tournaments Portal offers the following features to both the organisers and participants:

  • Smooth contest registration
  • Confirmation of contest rules
  • Participant tournament leaderboard 
  • Insightful participants' performance overview including trading volume and stocks at any time

Partners who meet certain conditions will be able to use this platform to hold their own trading tournaments. Reach out to your IB manager to check your eligibility today! 

Why should partners organise demo trading tournaments?

  • To help attract customers: as there is no financial risk, the event can be used to target new or inactive customers.
  • As part of education within the community: no deposit is required as a demo account is used, so traders can experience trading without any financial risk.
  • Learn strategies of top traders: you can provide a place to learn the methods of top traders on the contest portal while practising. 

Why not use demo trading tournaments to attract customers and enhance your IB activities?

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us; Titan FX's partnership managers will do their best to assist you.