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Get Ready🎁Our Celebrated Winter Giveaway Makes a Comeback!

Back by popular demand following last year's tremendous success, our Winter Giveaway promotion returns this year! This exciting event features a grand lottery where luxurious prizes are up for grabs, based on your deposit amount and trading volume.

NY promotion

Our promotion kicks off for a three-week run starting from Monday, 18th December at 00:00 [GMT+2]. It features three tiers of prize levels – the more you deposit and trade, the higher your prize tier escalates, increasing your chances to win extravagant rewards like high-end watches and the latest iPhones! 

Why promote Winter Giveaway promotion?
  • More Trades = More IB Rebates!: Feedback from numerous partners indicates that lottery-style promotions significantly boost trading activity. Our previous lottery event, the Summer Dream Lotto, was a resounding success, demonstrating the potential for increased trades. Make sure you don't miss out on this lucrative opportunity!NY EN
  • An Opportunity to Boost New Account Openings: There's typically heightened interest in FX trading during this festive period. Moreover, reflecting on last year's Winter Giveaway promotion, we observed a remarkable 2.6 times surge in daily deposits compared to the regular average, highlighting a strong potential for growth!
  • Popular & Easy-to-Participate Promotion: Last year's promotion garnered immense popularity with a high participation rate from traders. The trading conditions have been tailored to ensure easy participation for all traders.


How to promote Winter Giveaway promotion?

Getting started with promoting the Winter Giveaway promotion is only 4 steps!

  1. Download the promotion banners

  2. Create your campaign link:  Link your IB number to the landing page (https://titanfx.com/winter-giveaway-2023-24)

    Add your IB number after "&cg=" in the below-mentioned URL.
    URL: https://traders.titanfx.com/set-cookies-and-redirect?url=https://titanfx.com/winter-giveaway-2023-24&cg=

    *Example: If your IB number is 1234567, the link should look like this: https://traders.titanfx.com/set-cookies-and-redirect?url=https://titanfx.com/winter-giveaway-2023-24&cg=1234567

  3. Place it on your promotional channels: Place/attach your campaign link and/or the banner  your campaign link embedded on your promotional channels to your websites and/or social media platforms (X, YouTube, etc.)

  4. Start promoting the Winter Giveaway promotion!

・For your new clients register with Titan FX for this campaign: Please lead them to go to the Landing Page, and click on "Open Live Account" to be directed to the account opening process. 
・For the clients who are already Titan FX traders: They will need to manually enter your IB number for an additional account.

Over the New Year holiday period, we anticipate attracting a significant number of new customers and boosting transaction volumes. This presents a fantastic opportunity for you to expand your business, and we hope you'll seize the chance to enhance your growth!

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Our Titan FX partnership managers are always available to offer you personalized support and guidance.