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Exclusive Black Friday Cashback Offer!

This Black Friday, we're offering an exclusive opportunity for you to boost your promotions and incentivize your audience. Introducing the Black Friday Cashback Promotion by Titan FX - an opportunity for your referrals to earn more with every trade.
Why promote this campaign?
  • Competitive Edge: Your promotions will stand out with this attractive cashback offer.
  • Increased Commissions: Increased trading activity from your referrals could lead to higher commissions for you
  • Easy Registration: Guide your audience to an effortless sign-up process.

Discover the full spectrum of our Black Friday Cashback Promotion by visiting our detailed landing page linked below.

Learn More

How to promote this campaign?

Getting started with promoting this campaign is incredibly easy! Please follow the steps below.

  1. Download the promotion banner.
  2. Create your campaign link*
  3. Place the banner with the campaign link embedded on your promotional channel such as your website, SNS etc.
  4. Start promoting the campaign! 

*To create your campaign link for this promotion, simply add your IB number in xxxxxxx below URL. (IB number can be found in your partner portal) https://traders.titanfx.com/set-cookies-and-redirect?url=https://titanfx.com/promotions/black-friday-2023&cg=xxxxxxx

Example: If your IB number is 1234567, the link should look like this: https://traders.titanfx.com/set-cookies-and-redirect?url=https://titanfx.com/promotions/black-friday-2023&cg=1234567

*Please note that if the clients are already Titan FX traders, they will need to manually enter your IB number when they open an additional account.