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March Tournament - Your Strategy to Boost Trading Volumes!

We're thrilled to offer our partners an exclusive sneak peek at the March Titan FX Tournament, details and marketing resources before we announce them to traders.


Thank you to everyone who took part in the monthly Titan FX Tournament for demo accounts last month. The recent contest not only drew in a substantial number of new traders but also resulted in an average doubling of both deposits and trading volumes in the live accounts of existing traders, compared to their levels before the contest!

This trading tournament not only boosts trading activity on live accounts but also leads to increased IB rebates for our partners!

Registration for the  March Tournament opens next Monday, 18 March, and the contest will span nine days, commencing on Wednesday, 20 March.

Why Should You Promote the March Tournament?
  • Leading to increased trading volume!: Previous contests led to a remarkable twofold increase in both deposits and trading volumes in existing traders' live accounts!
  • A Great Opportunity to Boost New Account Openings: Previous contests have seen numerous demo account holders transition to opening new live accounts, showcasing a significant opportunity for growth.
  • Easy-to-Participate Tournaments with No Financial Risk: Our tournaments require no deposit! This makes it exceptionally easy for newcomers to dive into trading and participate in our tournaments.

How to Promote the March Tournament?

Begin promoting the Titan FX Tournament with just four straightforward steps!

  1. Download the promotion banners
  2. Create your campaign link:  Link your IB number to the landing page (https://titanfx.com/promotions/tfx-tournaments-03-2024).

    Add your IB number after "&cg=" in the below-mentioned URL.
    URL: https://traders.titanfx.com/set-cookies-and-redirect?url=https://titanfx.com/promotions/tfx-tournaments-03-2024&cg=

    Example: If your IB number is 1234567, the link should look like this: https://traders.titanfx.com/set-cookies-and-redirect?url=https://titanfx.com/promotions/tfx-tournaments-03-2024&cg=1234567

  3. Distribute across your promotional networks: Share your campaign link and/or attach the banner with your campaign link embedded across all your promotional channels, including your website and social media platforms (e.g., X, YouTube, etc.)

  4. Start promoting the Titan FX Tournament!

・Remember, to ensure new traders are associated with your IB account, they need to open a live account within 30 days of clicking on your IB link.

The Titan FX Tournaments Portal presents a suite of functionalities for both organisers and participants, including:

  • Effortless contest registration
  • Confirmation of contest rules
  • Access to a participant tournament leaderboard 
  • Insightful participants' performance overview including trading volume and stocks at any time

Additionally, partners meeting specific criteria will gain the chance to leverage this platform to conduct their own trading tournaments, thereby widening their influence and engagement in the trading community. For detailed strategies on optimising your platform use, refer to “Make the Most of It! Titan FX Trading Tournaments”.

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Our Titan FX partnership managers are always available to offer you personalised support and guidance.