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Titan FX Tournament - Your Strategy for New Trader Acquisition!

The monthly Titan FX Tournaments have received an exceptional response from participants! We are pleased to share details and exclusive marketing tools, with our partners, ahead of traders.


Thank you to all participants of the monthly Titan FX Tournaments for demo accounts, which started in January this year. The recent tournament was a great success, with 45% of demo account traders transitioning to open new live accounts!

This month, February Trading Competition will open for registration next Monday, 19th February! The contest runs for nine days from Wednesday 21 February. Once again, the top three traders will win the sumptuous cash prizes.

Why Promote Titan FX Tournaments?
  • A Great Opportunity to Boost New Account Openings: the latest tournament resulted in an impressive 45% of traders who initially opened demo accounts transitioning to open new live accounts!
  • Easy-to-Participate Tournaments with No Financial Risk: no deposit required! This makes it exceptionally easy for newcomers to dive into trading and participate in our tournaments.
  • Titan FX Will Nurture Participated Traders: the Titan FX marketing team will follow up with traders to help them become more active traders.


How to Promote Titan FX Tournaments?

Begin promoting the Titan FX Tournament with just four straightforward steps!

  1. Download the promotion banners

  2. Create your campaign link:  Link your IB number to the landing page (https://titanfx.com/promotions/tfx-tournaments-02-2024).

    Add your IB number after "&cg=" in the below-mentioned URL.
    URL: https://traders.titanfx.com/set-cookies-and-redirect?url=https://titanfx.com/promotions/tfx-tournaments-02-2024&cg=

    Example: If your IB number is 1234567, the link should look like this: https://traders.titanfx.com/set-cookies-and-redirect?url=https://titanfx.com/promotions/tfx-tournaments-02-2024&cg=1234567

  3. Place it on your promotional channels: Share your campaign link and/or attach the banner with your campaign link embedded across all your promotional channels, including your website and social media platforms (e.g., X, YouTube, etc.)

  4. Start promoting the Titan FX Tournament!

・Please note that in order for new traders to be linked to your IB account, they need to open a live account within 30 days of clicking on your IB link.

The Titan FX Tournaments Portal offers the following features to both the organisers and participants:

  • Smooth contest registration
  • Confirmation of contest rules
  • Participant tournament leaderboard 
  • Insightful participants' performance overview including trading volume and stocks at any time

We hope you'll use this chance to attract more traders!

Also, partners who meet certain conditions will have the opportunity to utilize this platform to host their own trading tournaments, expanding their reach and engagement within the trading community. For more information on maximizing your use of the platform, refer to “Make the Most of It! Titan FX Trading Tournaments”.

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Our Titan FX partnership managers are always available to offer you personalised support and guidance.